1. Provision of Information:
1.1. The patient is required to provide accurate and comprehensive information concerning their existing complaints, medical history, hospitalization records, administered treatments, medications used, and other pertinent aspects of their health.
1.2. The patient has an obligation to promptly notify the authorized physician of any unforeseen changes that occur in their condition during and after the course of treatment.
1.3. It is incumbent upon the patient to communicate whether they have a correct understanding of the expected procedures and requirements related to their treatment.
2. Compliance with Recommendations:
2.1. The patient bears a fundamental responsibility to adhere to the treatment plan proposed by the competent physicians who are accountable for their care.
2.2. The patient is obligated to comply with the prescribed treatment plan and accept the fulfillment of the care plan by nurses and relevant healthcare personnel in accordance with the instructions provided by the authorized doctor.
3. Rejection of Planned Treatment:
3.1. In the event that the patient refuses treatment or fails to comply with the instructions of the doctor, they assume personal accountability for the consequences that may arise as a result.
4. Examination and Treatment Expenses:
4.1. During the patient’s initial visit to the healthcare facility, it is imperative for them to disclose the manner and source of coverage for their healthcare expenses.
4.2. The patient is obligated to fulfill the payment obligations for the prescribed treatments and procedures within the designated timeframe specified by the institution.
4.3. Patients whose treatment expenses are borne by legal entities, private companies, or third-party entities such as government agencies, banks, health insurance providers, Social Security Institution (SSK), Retirement Fund, or other organizations, are required to present a written communication or referral letter, addressed to our hospital, confirming the full payment or the specified portion thereof as per the applicable agreements, along with the appropriate class designation or classification, and issued by the patient’s affiliated department or organization. Alternatively, they must furnish acceptable forms of substantiation as determined by the hospital.
4.4. In cases of urgent intervention and necessitated treatment, the patient or their legally authorized representative must subsequently provide the required written documentation obtained from their institution.
4.5. Individuals entitled to receive free treatment must provide documented evidence to confirm their eligibility.
5. Healthcare Facility Rules and Practices:
Healthcare Facility Rules and Practices:
5.1. The patient is obligated to adhere to the regulations and procedures regarding treatment and conduct established within the healthcare institution.
5.2. In the event that the patient fails to comply with the prescribed regulations and practices, disregards warnings, neglects to undergo necessary examinations and treatments (except in cases of loss of consciousness or severe conditions caused by the illness), and causes complaints or discomfort to other patients, it should be duly communicated to the patient during the admission phase that, upon the recommendation of the authorized physician and approval of the institutional supervisor, they may be discharged from the healthcare facility. The patient is required to provide written acknowledgment and signature, demonstrating their commitment to compliance.
6. Respect for Others:
6.1. The patient is obliged to respect the rights of fellow patients and healthcare personnel within the healthcare facility.
6.2. In circumstances such as excessive noise, smoke, or an excessive number of visitors that may jeopardize the well-being of other patients within the healthcare institution, the patient must conform to the precautionary measures implemented by the healthcare facility administration.
7. Infectious Disease Status:
7.1. When a patient receives a diagnosis of an infectious disease, their physician will promptly determine the most appropriate institution for referral, ensuring that the transfer is carried out under suitable conditions. The patient does not have the authority to request hospitalization. The handling of such cases adheres to the relevant provisions stipulated in the Regulation for Private Hospitals.
8. Inappropriate Requests:
8.1. The patient is not entitled to request the administration of any medication or procedure that is considered unsuitable by authorized medical professionals and is not part of the prescribed treatment plan.
9. Patient Visitors:
9.1. Our patients are required to adhere to the regulations established by the healthcare facility regarding the admission of visitors.
9.2. For patients who are conscious:
9.2.1. They have the option to decline the provision of food and beverages by visitors and reject any such offerings.
9.2.2. It is expected that they limit the number of visitors and ensure that their visits are of reasonable duration.
9.2.3. They should cooperate with the healthcare facility’s management in preventing visitors from using their personal belongings and refrain from sitting on patient beds.
10. Payment Liability:
Patients who cause damage to the healthcare institution’s assets or consumable supplies due to negligent use or deliberate actions are held accountable for compensating the resulting losses.